
Some Sketches...

Tree and Stream with fish

A Dying Hand? Perhaps...
Or a large, dried up seed pod that I broke up
into shattered pieces...

All to Thee my blessed Savior



Loren said...

The Tree and the stream was an intensely captivating sketch. At first glance I thought of the beauty behind, it and was somewhat distracted by something. I realized finally that it was the star. The star doesn't fit with the surroundings, but rather is dark and ominous, like the "Star of the Morning". The fish are swimming in the streams of life under the influence of this dark star on their journey to the tree...

Jordan E. said...

LOVE IT. These are really good. Keep EXPRESSING.

Brandon said...

Thank you Jordan. I'm trying! :)

Juan said...

Hey Brandon, its been a long time. these are great, I'm glad your still keeping up with it. I recently started a blog, its a little empty right now but I'll add some things later.


Brandon said...

Hey Juan, Thanks for leaving a comment. Yeah, I have a couple more sketches I need to scan in and put up here. I keep on needing to push myself. Yeah, put up some stuff on yours, it'll be cool to check out your recent art.