

I'm experimenting with colored pencils on this one.
It came out ok. It looked more gestural &
figurative in pure graphite, but that's ok...



This is my first sketch for my new blog...
It's entitled Hope.

Composed of graphite on paper
with minor photoshop enhancements.


First Blog

Hello, everyone. This is my first blog, I'm a little intimidated but also excited about how this. I just want to say first off that I actually created this blog in review and envy of John D's "sketchblog." I was just veiwing it and wanted to leave a comment, but couldn't cause I wasn't a memeber; well, now I am! So, John D. if you're reading this, you will now recieve comments from me, like: "hey that's cool" or "nice color" or something like that. I must say I was also influenced by Karen's Blost, which, if those of you reading this don't know is a blog about the show "Lost." This blog will be somewhat of an art update on me, with some drawings and such and it will also be random tidbits of things I see and observe in this world. If you're wondering about the title/web address of this blog, since I try to follow Jesus, I see myself as one his men, I actually see all of us trying to follow him as his men (men: meaning men/women).

Thanks for readin'